Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY christmas gifts from pinterest!

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A box of the ingredients for S'mores. Mmmm who wouldn't be happy for this?

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A jar with ingredients for hot chocolate! Nice on a cold winters day

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Homemade vanilla extract. Go to THIS page to learn how to do it. Easy peasy!

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Ingredients in a jar of Cowgirl cookies. Tie a cute ribbon 'round the jar as an extra detail!

Here you go, some homemade gifts for christmas or other times. I will probably do some gifts this year myself. I don't have a lot of money so it's a really cheap suggestion!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Let it snow

Yepp I was blond last year (don't miss it at all, it ruined my freakin hair)

Last year on this date it was snow outside. Maybe not as much as one these pictures which were taken in december, but at least the ground was white. I'm a bit depressed that there isn't any this year. The weather-people says it's gonna be a warm winter. Like hell it will. I'm gonna make it cold whatever they say.  

the pictures are all mine

Christmas trees

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4 different trees for christmas! Personally I like the second one best, but I think all of them are nice and the last one is hilarious.
The first white one is so pretty for a living room if you have that modern style. You don't want to overdo the decorations if you choose the white, just keep it nice and simple with small lights and two or three different colours.
The third christmas tree is a kinda traditional american tree I think? It's the kind of tree you can see in christmas movies.

all photos from pinterest.com

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Storm in the west coast

Hi you

There is a storm on its way towards the west coast where I live. A bad storm apparantly. I have to admit I'm a teeeny tiiiny bit afraid 'cause I'm alone this weekend. Mummy, come home :(
No I will be alright, I'm sure. I will probably go to the store soon to buy food so I don't starve if the power goes out! ;) I hope I don't get a tree in the head or something haha.

Maybe I'll do something fun to show you later. Kiss

Picture of the storm, from Aftonbladet.se

Christmas: inspiration for the home

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all from pinterest

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday night

This evening I'll spend in the sofa, watching Grinchen on TV and searching for houses. I think it's kinda perfect, because I'm so so so tired. I study a lot right now so when the evening comes I'm exhausted.

I will show you some pretty houses if i find any later.

Hope you have a nice day/evening everyone.

Coffee and cinnamon

Just had some coffee from my splendid coffee-machine! I doubled the goodness by adding some cinnamon. This makes it feel a little more like winter and christmas I think :)

Dreams of country life's first post!

Hi and welcome to my new little blog! I'm really excited about this thing, 'cause I think it's gonna be so fun and useful for my struggle towards country life. So, where to begin?

My name is Isabella, I'm 18 years old and I live i Gothenburg, Sweden. I love dogs, to cook and bake cookies, photograph, Harry Potter and, that's right: the country. I am so in love with the forest, old houses with personality and interior that I wanted to start this blog about exactly that! I'm gonna fill this little place with inspiration, thoughts, photos and all I can think of!

I really hope I will get a few followers that also like these kinds of stuff!